
Friday, January 31, 2014

A short explanation

Forgive me readers, for I have sinned.  It has been one long month since I've updated my blog.  Yes, I hang my head in shame.  I am a bad, bad, bad, bad blogger.  That said, I've come to a conclusion.  That is, if this blogging thing is going to be successful - in any way - then I need to lighten up a little bit.  I stress over this.  I stress over writing, I stress over reading, I stress over not writing/reading enough.  I stress...period.  And, it needs to stop.

I started this blog because I love books.  I love everything about them - the way the pages feel between my fingers; the way they smell when you fan the pages back and forth; the heft of a scrummy 900 page tome.  In short, this was supposed to be *fun.*  And, it's not turning out that way.  

For that sad truth, I can blame no one but myself.  To remedy the situation, I'm going to make a conscious effort to post more often, but with less content (if that makes any sense).  Sometimes I read a book, and I absolutely fall in love with it.  I can't wait to come here and share it (even if only 4 or 5 people see it).  But, that doesn't necessarily mean I can sit down and write 1,000+ words about the author's use of metaphors or the beautiful imagery hidden within the muddled dialogue.  Things like that send shivers down my spine, and bring on flashbacks from Ms. Carlson's 12th grade English class.  So very, very wrong.  Aside from the fact that Ms. Carlson was eternally high on something, she had a way of turning good books bad, and that's not a nice thing.  

The bottom line is that I want to put less pressure on myself.  If I can't get out a full review on a book, so be it.  Maybe I'll simply write a line or two, stating whether I liked the book or not.  That's okay, isn't it?  I won't be breaking any blogger code, right?  I know it would certainly alleviate some of the guilty load I've been carting around.  One can hope, anyway.  
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